Over the last couple of months, if not years, I've been wondering where all of the talented Mexican metal bands are. We're heard a couple over the years in such outfits as
Brujeria and
Infinitum Obscure but nothing that really stuck to me and made me want more Mexico metal. Blasting out at me at speeds unimaginable is a little project called Assyrian. Playing that Atmospheric Progressive/Death/Doom on the same platform as
Opeth, Assyrian could easily be heavy hitters in the metal scene. All they need is a record label that would support them fully.They already have a solid fan base and with the intensity they bring on record, it's a real mind fuck how this four piece hasn't been signed to a record label at all.

So, this EP was giving to me nearly a week or so ago and it's literally taken me a full week to understand how I feel about this record. At first I was sort of iffy because it sounded just like some
Opeth rip-off. As time passed and this record was blasting on and off through the weekend, I realized that these guys can really bring the heat when it comes to clean vocals and riffs that will make you feel like heaven has opened up. Imagine the cleanness that
Opeth gives you, the brilliant epic songs that fill all your needs when it comes to rawness and just progressive death. Assyrian is sort of like that but a whole different breed of wolf. Packing a punch that would knock a fat woman off the back of a horse, it's literally track after track of beautiful chords, amazing piano sections and some solos that will make your head explode in glory. "Self-Portrait" is a record that has seven great tracks that span over the time of twenty-eight minutes. The great thing about this record is that Assyrian are never scared to show who they really are. They will never play something different to just try to impress the listener nor will they go in a direction they have no idea about. They play straight forward progressive death, the type of progressive death that make the trees shake, the type of progressive death that will make you thank God above for blessing you with such a talented band to listen to. As much as I enjoy the growls and the grunts, the clean vocals are something that make this record brilliant. From the softer sections on the track "The Gray" to the amazing melodies on "Quiet", the sixth tracks. It's all just beautiful, heart warming music that I wish everyone could hear, honestly. My favorite track on this record has to be "Empathic Narcissus", it gives me that doom/death I need but also feeds me this solo around the two minute mark, that solo builds and blasts into this Japanese/Korean style melody that reminds me of a Korean Rock band that goes by the name
Seo Taiji. It's probably the most glorious thing I've heard since the first time I made my ex-girlfriend orgasm. Yes, it's that glorious that I can compare it to a female orgasming.
Solid record from a Mexican progressive death/doom outfit that should be making more noise than they are in the metal world. People need to open up some ears because we can't keep letting acts like this slip under the rug. If I have to do it alone, I will but Assyrian needs to be hear, period. Global domination? We can only hope with how beautiful this record is.
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